samedi 30 juin 2018

Les marqueurs de l’effondrement de l’empire

Par Dmitry Orlov – Le 19 juin 2018 – Source Club Orlov
En réfléchissant à l’effondrement de l’empire américain qui se déroule (jusqu’à présent) graduellement, l’effondrement de l’URSS, qui s’est produit il y a près de trente ans, continue d’être une utile mine d’exemples et d’analogies. Certains événements survenus pendant l’effondrement soviétique peuvent servir de panneaux de signalisation utiles dans le contexte américain, ce qui nous permet de formuler de meilleures hypothèses quant au calendrier des événements qui peuvent soudainement transformer un effondrement graduel en sa version accélérée.

Quand l’effondrement soviétique s’est produit, la réaction universelle a été « Qui aurait pu le savoir ? » Eh bien, je le savais. Je me souviens distinctement d’une conversation que j’avais eue avec un chirurgien au cours de l’été 1990, juste au moment où j’allais passer sur le billard pour me faire opérer de l’appendicite, en attendant l’anesthésie. Il m’a demandé ce qu’il adviendrait des républiques soviétiques, de l’Arménie en particulier. Je lui ai dit qu’elles seraient indépendantes en moins d’un an. Il avait l’air positivement choqué. Je ne m’étais trompé que de deux mois. J’espère pouvoir prévoir l’effondrement américain avec le même degré de précision.
Je suppose que j’étais bien placé pour le savoir, et je suis tenté de deviner comment j’ai réussi cela. Mon domaine d’expertise à l’époque était l’électronique de mesure et d’acquisition de données pour les expériences de physique des hautes énergies, pas la soviétologie. Mais j’avais passé l’été précédent à Leningrad, où j’avais grandi, et j’avais une bonne idée de ce qui se passait en URSS. Pendant ce temps, toute la cohue des experts professionnels sur la Russie,  payés pour le faire, qui étaient installés dans divers organismes gouvernementaux à Washington ou qui consommaient de l’oxygène dans diverses fondations et universités des États-Unis, n’avaient absolument aucune idée de ce à quoi s’attendre.
Je soupçonne qu’il y a un principe là-dedans : si votre carrière dépend de l’existence de X, et si X est sur le point de cesser d’exister, alors vous ne serez pas très motivé pour prédire avec précision sa fin. Inversement, si vous parveniez à prédire avec précision la fin programmée de X, alors vous seriez également assez intelligent pour changer de carrière à l’avance, donc vous ne seriez plus un expert sur X et votre opinion sur le sujet serait négligée. Les gens penseraient que vous avez quitté un excellent travail et que vous êtes maintenant aigri. À l’heure actuelle, j’observe le même phénomène à l’œuvre chez les experts de la Russie aux États-Unis : ils ne peuvent pas imaginer que les diverses choses qu’ils ont passé leur vie à étudier ont rapidement perdu de leur pertinence. Ou peut-être qu’ils le peuvent, mais qu’ils gardent cette prise de conscience pour eux-mêmes, de peur de ne plus être invités pour des talk-shows.
Je suppose que puisque l’expertise est une question d’en savoir beaucoup sur un sujet circonscrit, tout savoir sur rien – une chose qui n’existe pas – est son point final logique. Quoi qu’il en soit, je pense que nous autres non-experts, armés du recul parfait que nous offre l’exemple de l’effondrement soviétique, nous pouvons éviter d’être pareillement aveuglés et abasourdis par l’exemple américain. Ce n’est pas une question académique : ceux qui jaugent la situation avec précision peuvent être en mesure de se faufiler et sortir de l’enfer à l’avance, alors que les lumières sont toujours allumées, pendant que le monde ne se promène pas encore dans une brume mentale induite par la drogue et des fusillades de masse et que d’autres types de chaos sont toujours considérés comme dignes d’intérêt par les médias.
Ce recul nous permet de repérer certains marqueurs qui se sont manifestés à ce moment-là et qui se manifestent maintenant. Les quatre dont je veux discuter maintenant sont les suivants :
1. Les alliés sont aliénés ;
2. Les inimitiés se dissipent ;
3. L’idéologie devient non pertinente ;
4. La posture militaire devient flasque.
Tout cela est évident à voir dans l’effondrement américain. Comme pour l’effondrement soviétique, il y a une certaine période d’incubation pour chacune de ces tendances, pouvant durer peut-être un an ou deux, au cours de laquelle peu de choses semblent se produire, mais quand c’est le moment, tout décolle d’un seul coup.

1. Alliances

Au fur et à mesure que l’effondrement soviétique s’est déroulé, les anciennes amitiés se sont détériorées, d’abord à cause d’un manque de pertinence, puis ont tourné a une inimitié pure et simple. Avant l’effondrement, le rideau de fer a couru entre l’Europe de l’Est et de l’Ouest ; trois décennies plus tard, il court entre la Russie et les pays baltes, la Pologne et l’Ukraine. Alors que dans l’après-guerre, les pays du Pacte de Varsovie tiraient de nombreux avantages de leur association avec la Russie et sa puissance industrielle, vers la fin leur adhésion au camp soviétique devenait de plus en plus gênante pour le progrès, entravant leur intégration avec les pays prospères et moins troublés plus à l’ouest et avec le reste du monde.
De même, avec les États-Unis et l’Union européenne, ce partenariat montre également des signes majeurs de tension alors que Washington tente d’empêcher l’Europe de s’intégrer au reste de l’Eurasie. La menace particulière de sanctions économiques unilatérales dans le cadre d’un effort vain pour bloquer d’autres gazoducs russes vers l’Europe et forcer les Européens à acheter un projet de gaz naturel liquéfié américain incertain et surévalué a mis en évidence le fait que la relation n’est plus mutuellement bénéfique. Et alors que la Grande-Bretagne se sépare de l’Europe et se rapproche des États-Unis, un nouveau rideau de fer émerge peu à peu, mais cette fois, il traversera la Manche, séparant le monde anglophone de l’Eurasie.
Des développements similaires sont en cours à l’Est, affectant la Corée du Sud et le Japon. La volte-face de Trump entre tweets tumultueux et rhétorique conciliatoire vis-à-vis de la Corée du Nord a mis à nu le vide des garanties de sécurité américaines. Ces deux pays voient maintenant la nécessité de prendre leurs propres dispositions de sécurité et de commencer à réaffirmer leur souveraineté en matière militaire. Pendant ce temps, pour les États-Unis, être incohérent n’est qu’un « arrêt au stand » sur le point de devenir insignifiant.

2. Les inimitiés

Pendant toute la période de la guerre froide, les États-Unis étaient l’ennemi juré de l’Union soviétique, et tout effort de Washington pour donner des conseils ou dicter sa volonté se heurtait à des aboiements bruyants, synchronisés et idéologiquement fortifiés de Moscou : encore l’agresseur impérialiste ; n’y faites pas attention. Ce bruit vertueux a très bien fonctionné pendant une période étonnamment longue, et a continué de fonctionner pendant que l’Union soviétique réalisait de nouvelles conquêtes impressionnantes – dans l’espace, la technologie, la science et la médecine, dans des projets humanitaires internationaux, etc. Mais lorsque la stagnation s’est installée, il a commencé à sonner creux.
Après l’effondrement soviétique, cette immunité contre la contagion américaine a disparu. Des « experts » et des « conseillers » occidentaux ont envahi le pays et proposé des « réformes » telles que le démembrement de l’URSS en 15 pays distincts (piégeant des millions de personnes du mauvais côté de la frontière nouvellement inventée) avec une thérapie de choc (qui a appauvri presque l’ensemble de la population russe), les privatisations (qui mettaient des biens publics importants entre les mains de quelques oligarques politiquement associés, pour la plupart des oligarques juifs) et divers autres projets visant à détruire la Russie et à faire disparaître sa population. Ils auraient probablement réussi s’ils n’avaient pas été arrêtés à temps.
Symétriquement, les Washingtoniens considéraient l’URSS comme leur ennemi juré. Après sa disparition, il y a eu un peu de confusion. Le Pentagone a essayé de parler de « mafia russe » comme d’une menace majeure à la paix mondiale, mais cela semblait risible. Puis, à l’occasion de la démolition de quelques gratte-ciels à New York, peut-être en plaçant de petites charges nucléaires dans le soubassement sous leurs fondations (ce sont les plans de démolition qui étaient enregistrés 1), ils ont embrassé le concept de « guerre contre le terrorisme », bombardant divers pays qui n’avaient pas de problème de terrorisme avant mais en ont certainement maintenant. Puis, une fois que ce plan stupide a suivi son cours, les Washingtoniens sont retournés à leur premier os à ronger pour harceler la Russie.
Mais maintenant une odeur étrange flotte dans le vent à Washington : l’odeur de l’échec. L’air commence à fuiter de cette campagne pour calomnier la Russie, et c’est putride. Pendant ce temps, Trump continue à faire des bruits qu’un rapprochement avec la Russie est souhaitable et qu’un sommet entre les dirigeants devrait avoir lieu. Trump emprunte aussi quelques pages du livre de règles russe : tout comme la Russie a réagi aux sanctions occidentales par des contre-sanctions, Trump commence à réagir aux barrières douanières occidentales par ses propres barrières douanières. Nous devrions nous attendre à ce que l’inimitié américaine contre la Russie se dissipe quelque temps avant que l’attitude américaine à l’égard de la Russie (et de beaucoup d’autres choses) ne devienne insignifiante. Nous devrions également nous attendre, une fois la bulle de la fracturation hydraulique [pétrole de schiste, NdT] explosée, à ce que les États-Unis deviendront dépendants du pétrole russe et de son gaz naturel liquéfié, qu’ils seront forcés de payer avec de l’or. (La fracturation implique un processus de combustion en deux phases : la première phase brûle de l’argent emprunté pour produire du pétrole et du gaz, la seconde brûle le pétrole et le gaz.)
D’autres inimitiés sont aussi sur le déclin. Trump vient de signer un document intéressant avec Kim Jong-un, président de la Corée du Nord. L’affaire (si nous l’appelons ainsi) est un acte de capitulation tacite. Il a été orchestré par la Russie et la Chine. Il affirme ce que la Corée du Nord et la Corée du Sud avaient déjà accepté : la dénucléarisation éventuelle de la péninsule coréenne. Tout comme Gorbatchev a consenti à la réunification de l’Allemagne et au retrait des troupes soviétiques de l’Allemagne de l’Est, Trump s’apprête à accepter la réunification de la Corée et le retrait des troupes américaines de la Corée du Sud. Tout comme la chute du mur de Berlin a marqué la fin de l’imperium soviétique, le démantèlement de la zone démilitarisée coréenne marquera la fin de l’ère américaine.

3. Idéologie

Alors que les États-Unis n’ont jamais rien eu d’aussi rigoureux que le dogme communiste de l’Union soviétique, leur mélange de propagande pro-démocratie, de capitalisme du laissez-faire, de libre-échange et de domination militaire a été puissant pendant un certain temps. Après avoir cessé d’être la plus grande puissance industrielle du monde, cédant la première place à l’Allemagne et au Japon, puis à la Chine, les États-Unis accumulent des dettes prodigieuses, confisquant et dépensant l’épargne mondiale tout en défendant le dollar américain sous la menace de rétorsion militaire. Il fut pendant un certain temps compris que le privilège exorbitant de l’impression monétaire sans fin devait être défendu avec le sang des soldats américains. Les États-Unis se voyaient et se positionnaient comme le pays indispensable, capable de contrôler et de dicter des conditions à la planète entière, terrorisant ou bloquant divers autres pays selon les besoins. Maintenant, tous ces schibboleths idéologiques sont en ruines.
La rhétorique en faveur de la démocratie est toujours utilisée consciencieusement par les porte-parole des médias politiques, mais dans la pratique, les États-Unis ne sont plus une démocratie. Ce pays a été transformé en un paradis des lobbyistes qui ne sont plus confinés dans le hall en bas mais se sont installés dans les bureaux du Congrès et rédigent des quantités prodigieuses de lois pour répondre aux intérêts privés des entreprises et des oligarques. Le penchant américain pour la démocratie n’est pas non plus visible dans le soutien que les États-Unis prodiguent aux dictatures du monde entier ou dans sa tendance croissante à promulguer et appliquer des lois extraterritoriales sans le consentement international.
Le capitalisme du laisser-faire est également bien mort, supplanté par le capitalisme de copinage nourri par une fusion complète des élites de Washington et de Wall Street. L’entreprenariat privé n’est plus libre mais concentré aux mains d’une poignée de sociétés géantes, alors qu’environ un tiers de la population active aux États-Unis travaille dans le secteur public. Le département américain de la Défense est le plus grand employeur du pays et du monde entier. Environ 100 millions d’Américains en âge et en capacité de travailler ne travaillent pas. La plupart des autres travaillent dans des emplois de service, ne produisant rien de durable. Un nombre croissant de personnes garde des moyens de subsistance précaires en travaillant de manière sporadique. Tout le système est alimenté – y compris les parties qui produisent le carburant, comme l’industrie de la fracturation hydraulique – par de la dette. Aucune personne saine d’esprit, si on lui demandait de fournir une description réaliste du capitalisme, ne fournirait u plan aussi délabré.
Le libre-échange était prôné jusqu’à très récemment, même si de nos jours le mouvement est en perte de vitesse. Le commerce sans entraves sur de grandes distances est la condition sine qua non de tous les empires, y compris l’empire américain. Dans le passé, des navires de guerre et la menace d’une occupation ont été utilisés pour forcer des pays, comme le Japon, à s’ouvrir au commerce international. Tout récemment, l’administration Obama a été très active dans ses tentatives de faire passer divers partenariats transocéaniques, mais aucun n’a réussi. Et maintenant, Trump s’est mis à détruire le libre-échange en combinant sanctions et barrières douanières, dans une tentative malavisée de raviver la grandeur perdue de l’Amérique en se tournant vers l’intérieur du pays. En cours de route, les sanctions sur l’utilisation du dollar américain dans le commerce international, en particulier avec les principaux pays exportateurs d’énergie tels que l’Iran et le Venezuela, accélèrent le processus par lequel le dollar américain est détrôné en tant que monnaie de réserve mondiale, démolissant le privilège exorbitant de l’impression monétaire sans fin.

4. Militarisme

L’effondrement soviétique était dans une certaine mesure déjà acté avec le retrait soviétique de l’Afghanistan. Avant cela, il était encore possible de parler du « devoir international » de l’Armée rouge pour rendre le monde (ou du moins les parties libérées) sûr pour le socialisme. Après cela, le concept même de domination militaire a été perdu, et les interventions qui étaient possibles auparavant, comme en Hongrie en 1956 et en Tchécoslovaquie en 1968, n’étaient même plus pensables. Lorsque l’Europe de l’Est a connu une rébellion en 1989, l’empire militaire soviétique s’est simplement replié, abandonnant ses bases et son matériel militaire en se retirant.
Dans le cas des États-Unis, pour l’instant, ils restent capable de faire beaucoup de dégâts, mais il est devenu clair que la domination militaire de la planète entière n’est plus possible pour eux. L’armée américaine est encore énorme numériquement, mais elle est déjà bien flasque. Elle n’est plus capable de déployer une force terrestre d’une quelconque envergure où que ce soit et se limite aux bombardements aériens, à l’entraînement et à l’armement de « terroristes modérés » et de mercenaires, et au patrouillage inutile des océans. Aucune des aventures militaires récentes n’a abouti à quelque chose ressemblant à la paix à des conditions que les planificateurs américains avaient initialement envisagées ou que l’on aurait pu juger souhaitables : l’Afghanistan a été transformé en incubateur de terroristes et en usine d’héroïne ; l’Irak a été absorbé par un croissant chiite continu qui s’étend maintenant de l’océan Indien à la mer Méditerranée.
Les bases militaires américaines sont toujours présentes dans le monde entier. Elles étaient destinés à projeter le pouvoir américain sur les deux hémisphères du globe, mais elles ont été largement neutralisées par l’avènement de nouvelles armes de précision à longue portée, d’une puissante technologie de défense aérienne et d’une magie de guerre électronique. Ces nombreux « nénuphars », comme on les appelle parfois, sont à l’opposé d’actifs militaires : ce sont des cibles inutiles mais coûteuses situées dans des endroits difficiles à défendre mais faciles à attaquer pour des adversaires potentiels. Ils ne peuvent être utilisés que pour faire semblant de combattre, et la série interminable d’exercices d’entraînement militaire, tels que ceux dans les États baltes, juste à la frontière russe, ou ceux en Corée du Sud, sont des provocations, mais ils sont des Parangons d’inutilité, car attaquer la Russie ou la Corée du Nord serait un geste suicidaire. Ce sont essentiellement des exercices de renforcement de la confiance, et leur intensité croissante témoigne d’un déficit de confiance prononcé et croissant.
Les gens ne se lassent jamais de souligner la taille énorme du budget militaire américain, mais ils oublient presque toujours de mentionner que ce que les États-Unis reçoivent par unité d’argent est dix fois moindre que, par exemple, la Russie. C’est un plan d’extorsion boursouflé et inefficace qui produit de grandes quantités de gaffes – une éponge d’argent public sans cesse assoiffée. Peu importe combien d’argent elle absorbe, cela ne résoudra jamais le problème fondamental de l’incapacité à faire la guerre à un adversaire adéquatement armé sans subir des dommages inacceptables. Partout dans le monde, les États-Unis sont maintenant détestés, mais on les craint de moins en moins : une tendance fatale pour un empire. Par contre l’Amérique a très bien réussi à militariser ses services de police locaux, de sorte que le moment venu, elle sera prête à faire la guerre … contre elle-même.


Cette analyse peut se lire comme une enquête historique détachée de considérations pratiques et quotidiennes. Mais je crois que cela a un mérite pratique. Si les citoyens de l’URSS avaient été informés, avant les événements de 1990, de ce qui allait leur arriver, ils se seraient comportés différemment, et beaucoup de tragédies personnelles auraient pu être évitées. Une distinction très utile peut être faite entre l’évitement des effondrements (ce qui est futile, tous les empires s’effondrent) et l’évitement des scénarios les plus défavorables, qui deviendra, lorsque l’effondrement va s’accélérer, votre préoccupation la plus importante. Votre approche peut impliquer de fuir vers un terrain plus sûr, ou de vous préparer à survivre là où vous êtes. Vous pouvez choisir vos propres marqueurs d’effondrement et faire vos propres prédictions sur leur calendrier au lieu de compter sur le mien. Mais, ayant été témoin d’un effondrement, et étant témoin d’un autre, la seule approche que je ne recommanderais vraiment pas, est de ne rien faire et d’espérer le meilleur.

Les cinq stades de l'effondrementDmitry Orlov
Le livre de Dmitry Orlov est l’un des ouvrages fondateur de cette nouvelle « discipline » que l’on nomme aujourd’hui : « collapsologie » c’est à-dire l’étude de l’effondrement des sociétés ou des civilisations.
Traduit par Hervé, vérifié par Wayan, relu par Cat pour le Saker Francophone
  1. Avant de construire un gratte-ciel à Manhattan, les lois locales exigent des architectes de déposer un plan de démolition à utiliser pour démanteler la structure plus tard. Le plan déposé pour les tours jumelles était une « démolition atomique » : le placement d’une petite charge nucléaire de 50 mètres dans le roc. L’explosion devait créer une cavité de gaz surchauffé dans laquelle la tour s’effondre et est incinérée. C’est précisément ce qui semble s’être passé. Si vous regardez les vidéos, les tours tombent dans des trous dans le sol.

A-t-on vraiment le choix lors d'une élection ?

Lors de l'élection présidentielle 2012, j'ai trouvé des éléments de programme à mon goût dans diverses professions de foi, et souvent, là où je ne les attendais pas (Eva Joly, ...). Pas dans ceux que les journalistes des médias de masse vantaient, en tout cas.

Mais ... parce qu'il y a un mais (hélas) ...

Vers 2014/2015, je me suis rendu compte que c'était un jeu de dupes pour deux raisons.

La première raison c'est que, dans la Constitution française (qui date de 1958), il est écrit que les élus n'ont aucune obligation de respecter leur programme (article 27 : "Le mandat impératif est nul"). Il faudrait vérifier pour la Constitution d'autres Républiques ; mais je crains que ce ne soit la même chose.

La deuxième raison, c'est que la République française a cédé sa souveraineté à l'Union Européenne à partir du Traité de Maastricht (en 1992) et plus encore avec le Traité de Lisbonne (en 2008). Cela signifie que, quel que soit le candidat ou la candidate élu(e), les décisions seront prises ailleurs.

Au passage, je rappelle que lors du référendum de 2005, le peuple français a dit "Non" à 55% au Traité Constitutionnel (rebaptisé ensuite Traité de Lisbonne). Mais comme le choix du peuple n'a pas plu aux élus, en 2008, ils ont voté l'inverse. Une preuve supplémentaire que le peuple n'a que l'illusion du choix.    

Alors, parmi la gamme de choix étriquée que le pouvoir en place veut bien donner aux électeurs, lors de l'élection présidentielle 2017, j'ai personnellement choisi "le moins pire" : François Asselineau. Il est le seul à vouloir redonner sa souveraineté, son indépendance, à la République française. Ce serait un retour à la Vème République (de 1958) avec quelques améliorations, toutefois.

La première amélioration notable est le "vote blanc révocatoire" (comme en Uruguay). Si la majorité de suffrages exprimés est le vote blanc, alors, tous les candidats sont éliminés et il faut recommencer l'élection jusqu'à ce qu'un candidat ou une candidate obtienne la majorité.

La deuxième amélioration notable est le "référendum d'initiative populaire" (comme en Suisse). Une loi est proposée et ensuite votée directement par les citoyens ; sans avoir à passer par les élus. C'est ça la vrai démocratie ! 

Quand on passe par des élus, c'est extrêmement infantilisant. Les électeurs ne sont pas des citoyens politiquement "adultes". Les électeurs ne sont que des "enfants politiques" qui délèguent la prise de décision aux seuls "adultes politiques" : les élus.

Pour François Asselineau, j'ai écrit "le moins pire" car il demeure un républicain (un pays dirigé par un président et un parlement d'élus) alors que, personnellement, je suis démocrate (je voudrais que les citoyens votent directement leurs lois).

Si lors d'une élection on me propose un "libéral de droite" (Sarkozy) ou un "libéral de gauche" (Hollande) ou un "libéral du centre" (Macron), selon la terminologie utilisée par Michel Onfray, il y a de fortes chances que je m'abstienne. 

Pourquoi m'abstenir plutôt que de voter ? 

Mais tout simplement parce que le vote blanc (en France) n'est pas compté parmi les suffrages exprimés. Il est compté dans la participation (ce qui légitime le vainqueur) mais pas dans les suffrages exprimés ! Paradoxal, n'est-ce pas ?

Au lieu du terme "libéral", choisi par Michel Onfray, personnellement, j'aurais plutôt utilisé l'expression "capitaliste financier". Ainsi, cela me permet de comparer Donald Trump "capitaliste financier américaniste" avec Hillary Clinton "capitaliste financière mondialiste" et Emmanuel Macron "capitaliste financier européiste". 

Comme je ne suis pas favorable au "capitalisme financier", malgré la nuance qui existe entre ces trois personnages, je me sens frustré parce que j'estime ne pas avoir de réel choix alors, je n'ai envie de choisir aucun des trois. Mais si j'étais "capitaliste financier", j'estimerais avoir un choix.

J'aurais aussi pu prendre un exemple historique avec la France de 1815 à 1870. Trois options s'offraient aux Français : le monarchisme légaliste (pro-Bourbon), le monarchisme orléaniste et le monarchisme bonapartiste. Des nuances, sans doute, mais seulement appréciables par les monarchistes.

En synthèse, il existe des nuances entre les différents candidats mais le choix demeure, aujourd'hui comme hier, extrêmement étriqué; largement insuffisant pour couvrir toute la gamme réelle des choix politiques. 

Le manifeste du G1000 - David Van Reybrouck

Le manifeste

Laissons aussi les citoyens délibérer, et pas seulement les représentants du peuple. C’est l’appel que lance un groupe de penseurs et de gens d’action indépendants. Leur proposition : le G1000, un sommet à Bruxelles le 11 novembre [2011] de mille citoyens choisis au hasard qui délibèrent sans parti pris. 

Les défis que la Belgique doit relever pour le moment posent manifestement des problèmes trop grands pour être résolus par la seule politique de partis. Ce n’est pas gravissime ; la démocratie est heureusement plus qu’une question de partis politiques. Si les élus du peuple ne s’en sortent pas, c’est aux citoyens qu’il revient de se concerter. Si le peuple manque d’expertise, il a le privilège d’être libre. Un avantage de taille.

Après des mois de recherches, les signataires de ce manifeste ont imaginé un modèle concret qui peut donner une nouvelle impulsion pour sortir de l’impasse dans laquelle se trouve ce pays depuis de nombreuses années : le G1000, une réunion au sommet de mille citoyens de ce pays, choisis au hasard.

Notre Analyse

  1. La crise belge n’est pas uniquement une crise de la Belgique, elle est aussi une crise de la démocratie. Les Pays-Bas et la Grande-Bretagne ont vu eux aussi leur dernière formation de gouvernement se passer plus difficilement que d’habitude. Dans une démocratie, les citoyens choisissent de se gouverner eux-mêmes, soit par suffrage direct (comme dans l’ancienne Athènes), soit par suffrage indirect (comme en Belgique). Étant donné que tout le monde ne peut ou ne veut s’occuper en permanence de la gestion d’un pays, les citoyens désignent à intervalles réguliers quelques individus pour le faire à leur place. Ce système s’appelle la démocratie représentative : la démocratie par délégation. La Belgique est une démocratie représentative depuis sa constitution en 1830.
  2. Néanmoins, deux siècles après, nous nous heurtons aux limites de cette formule. Les élections ne permettent plus la constitution d’un gouvernement, mais font au contraire, et paradoxalement, obstacle à une gestion politique valable. Les partis ne rationalisent plus la société, mais se coincent mutuellement en permanence. La politique est devenue un métier de chien, une forme spirituelle de danse de Saint-Guy. Nous nous rendons aux urnes plus souvent que par le passé, la pression des médias est bien plus grande, l’électeur est plus émancipé et plus critique qu’auparavant, la fidélité au parti n’existe plus. On entend donc en temps de campagne des promesses douces aux oreilles mais difficiles à réaliser. L’élu de 1911 goûtait au pouvoir, celui ou celle de 2011 à l’angoisse.
  3. Qui plus est, force est de constater l’affaiblissement des acteurs de la société civile. Les syndicats, les caisses d’assurance-maladie et les coopératives faisaient office de relais entre la masse et le pouvoir. La pilarisation avait des défauts, mais elle structurait le tohu-bohu. Cette interface est moins évidente aujourd’hui.
  4. Il faut encore compter avec l’arrivée d’un internet bien plus actif, appelé le web 2.0. Le citoyen belge n’a jamais auparavant été aussi rapidement informé des développements politiques qu’aujourd’hui. On peut à chaque instant suivre et commenter les péripéties, mais on ne peut voter qu’une fois tous les quatre ans. Pourquoi s’étonner dans ce cas que les forums en ligne de sites d’information débordent de glapissements frustrés ? Le citoyen n’a donc jamais été aussi émancipé et averti – et parallèlement aussi impuissant. Le politicien n’a jamais été aussi visible – et parallèlement aussi déphasé.
  5. Le corps politique en l’an 2011 semble être une équipe méfiante de chirurgiens cardiaques qui doivent pratiquer une opération extrêmement compliquée, mais au milieu d’un stade de football dont les tribunes débordent de spectateurs. La foule hurle, les supporters ont envahi le terrain et à chaque geste de l’un des cardiologues, crient ce que les médecins doivent ou ne doivent pas faire, ou les couvrent de quolibets. Aucun des chirurgiens n’ose encore bouger. Tout le monde attend. Les heures s’écoulent, le sort du patient ne compte plus.
  6. La démocratie s’est corrompue en une dictature des élections.

Une solution alternative

Pourtant, tout peut en aller autrement. La démocratie est un organisme vivant. Mais pour notre époque, celle du web 2.0, aucune nouvelle forme démocratique n’a été trouvée.
  1. L’innovation est stimulée dans tous les domaines, sauf dans celui de la démocratie. Les entreprises, les scientifiques, les sportifs et les artistes doivent innover, mais quand il s’agit d’organiser la société, nous faisons encore appel en 2011 aux schémas hérités de 1830.
  2. Différents pays occidentaux ont expérimenté ces derniers temps des formes de démocratie délibérative. Dans une démocratie délibérative, les citoyens sont invités à prendre activement part aux délibérations portant sur l’avenir de leur société. Lorsque le conseil municipal de New-York s’est posé la question de la réaffectation du site Ground Zero, il a réuni mille New-yorkais pour en discuter. Au Canada, au Danemark et au Royaume-Uni, on a organisé des débats entre citoyens. Et en Islande, en 2011, même la rédaction d’une nouvelle constitution a été confiée à un groupe de vingt-cinq citoyens. Des citoyens qui ont l’occasion de se concerter peuvent trouver des compromis rationnels à condition d’être renseignés et d’en recevoir le temps. Cela a même réussi dans des sociétés profondément divisées comme l’Irlande du Nord ! Les catholiques et les protestants qui ont rarement l’occasion de se parler, se sont avérés capables de trouver des solutions à des thèmes aussi éminemment sensibles que l’enseignement.
  3. Aucune véritable tradition de démocratie délibérative ne s’est jusqu’à présent implantée dans le gouvernement belge. Les cinquante dernières années, les représentants du peuple se sont trop occupés de la réforme de l’État pour prodiguer une attention sérieuse à la réforme de la démocratie. La démocratie délibérative offre pourtant une méthode intéressante pour tenter de surmonter certaines impasses de la démocratie représentative. Elle ne prétend pas faire abstraction du fonctionnement des parlements et des partis, mais veut en être le complément. La démocratie délibérative pourrait bien être la démocratie de l’avenir.
Est-ce comparable à un référendum ? Non. Dans un référendum, on ne fait que voter, dans la démocratie délibérative, il faut aussi parler et écouter. Le débat est le cœur battant de la démocratie. Lorsque les citoyens s’entretiennent réellement, ils réussissent plus facilement à concilier leurs propres intérêts avec l’intérêt général. Les voix de nombreuses personnes peuvent de ce fait aider à enrichir les décisions de quelques-uns.

G1000, le sommet des citoyens

Voici le plan : le 11 novembre 2011, chez Tour & Taxis à Bruxelles, nous voulons réunir mille citoyens des quatre coins du pays pour discuter des grands défis lancés à notre société. Ils seront tirés au sort, de manière à refléter convenablement la population nationale. Ils ne siégeront pas sur une tribune, mais à des tables de dix personnes. Sur l’estrade centrale, les sujets seront introduits. Ensuite, nous écouterons ce qu’ont à dire les citoyens ordinaires et libres. Ils voteront sur ce qu’ils trouvent vraiment important. Nous, citoyens d’un pays en crise, voulons aider les représentants du peuple à chercher des solutions.

Le G1000 est conçu comme une fusée à trois étages. D’abord nous lancerons une enquête de grande envergure en ligne (de juillet à novembre 2011) : Qu’est-ce qui cause le plus de souci au citoyen ? Ensuite nous déciderons : Comment voulons-nous frayer les uns avec les autres ? Quels principes partageons-nous ? Quelles sont les priorités. Enfin, à l’exemple de l’Islande, un petit groupe de citoyens tirés au sort s’attellera (jusqu’en avril 2012) à approfondir et former concrètement les décisions du sommet.

Les citoyens en sont-ils capables ? Bien sûr que oui. De récents essais à petite échelle à la VUB et à l’université de Liège ont prouvé que des citoyens belges avec les opinions les plus divergentes étaient prêts à chercher des solutions constructives à des problèmes complexes. Un sommet des citoyens tel que le G1000 peut être comparé à un jury d’assises. Si des citoyens lambda sont en mesure de décider d’une vie humaine, ils sont en état de se faire une opinion nuancée et mûrement réfléchie sur certains aspects cruciaux de l’avenir d’une société.


Le G1000 est de bout en bout une initiative citoyenne qui veut donner une nouvelle bouffée d’oxygène à la démocratie. Il est indépendant et repose sur une enquête objectivement scientifique.

Le résultat n’est pas connu ou voulu d’avance. Il n’y a pas de préférence a priori pour l’une ou l’autre proposition. Le G1000 ne fait qu’offrir une procédure pour parler de nouvelles propositions.

Les participants au G1000 reconnaissent la légitimité fondamentale du point de vue de chacun. Nul besoin d’être d’accord avec les points de vue d’un autre pour entamer une discussion.

Un sommet des citoyens comme le G1000 reconnaît le sérieux de la crise belge, mais se défend de tout cynisme. L’initiative veut être une réflexion positive et constructive sur la recherche de solutions.

Le G1000 ne se rend pas coupable d’antipolitique, mais croit que la politique est trop précieuse pour ne la laisser qu’aux politiciens. Nous n’entendons pas ravir leur travail aux partis. Le G1000 est un geste généreux de la population citoyenne envers la politique de partis.

Tout un chacun est invité à se pencher sur la question dans les mois qui suivent, par le biais de l’internet. Outre le millier de personnes qui participeraient à la délibération proprement dite, de nombreux volontaires seraient responsables de l’accueil, de l’interprétariat, de la restauration et de l’animation en marge de l’événement.

En matière de finances aussi, le G1000 est un processus civil. Chaque don à partir d’un euro est bienvenu, mais personne ne peut faire don de plus de 5 % du budget total. L’organisation ne fait consciemment pas appel à des parrains ou à des partenaires médiatiques, mais souscrit au crowdfunding : les individus, entreprises, associations et pouvoirs publics peuvent apporter leur pierre à l’édifice.

Le citoyen décide lui-même de l’envergure du G1000. Déléguer un citoyen au sommet citoyen coûte environ 500 euros (pour comparaison : les élections coûtent environ 50 000 euros par représentant du peuple). À mesure que le groupe croît, la diversité des voix croît aussi. Plus de citoyens, plus de sommet !

La crise est une occasion. Pour donner un nouvel élan à la démocratie. Pour faire participer les citoyens à connaître à la régénération de leur démocratie. Et pour faire connaître aux représentants du peuple l’engagement et les priorités des citoyens.

En tant que le plus grand processus délibératif à ce jour, le G1000 peut éveiller l’intérêt et l’admiration du monde extérieur et procurer à nouveau un sentiment de dynamisme historique aux habitants de ce pays.

Les premiers signataires de ce manifeste sont les organisateurs du G1000. Ils viennent des quatre coins de la société et du pays. Aucun d’eux n’assume de mandat politique, mais tous sont d’ardents défenseurs de la démocratie. Ces derniers mois, à multiples reprises, ils se sont réunis et se sont penchés sur ces questions. Qui veut signer ce manifeste ou soutenir le projet en y consacrant son temps ou ses acquis, ou en l’aidant financièrement, est bienvenu.


vendredi 29 juin 2018

Sur l'illusion du choix "démocratique"

Sur l'illusion du choix "démocratique" (sachant que les techniques de manipulation des masses existent et sont redoutablement efficaces) voici ce que Jacques Attali annonçait tranquillement (en 2014) quelques années avant l'élection d'Emmanuel Macron (2017) et même en annonçant qui va lui succéder (peut-être en 2022).

Source :

PS :  J'ai écrit "démocratique" entre guillemets car "élection démocratique"  est un oxymore. 

Voici ce qu'en disait le philosophe Aristote : 

« Je cite comme exemple les magistratures : le tirage au sort est considéré comme démocratique, l'élection comme oligarchique…. ». 

Montesquieu reprendra ce constat dans son ouvrage "De l'esprit des lois" en 1748 :

« Le suffrage par le sort est de la nature de la démocratie; le suffrage par le choix est celle de l'aristocratie »

Il en est de même pour Jean-Jacques Rousseau qui indique dans "Du contrat social" - 1762 :

« Quand le choix et le sort se trouvent mêlés, le premier doit remplir les places qui demandent des talents propres, telles que les emplois militaires: l'autre convient à celles où suffisent, le bon sens, la justice, l'intégrité, telles que les charges de judicature, parce que, dans un état bien constitué, ces qualités sont communes à tous les citoyens. »
« La voie du sort est plus dans la nature de la démocratie. Dans toute véritable démocratie, la magistrature n'est pas un avantage, mais une charge onéreuse qu'on ne peut justement imposer à un particulier plutôt qu'à un autre. La loi seule peut imposer cette charge à celui sur qui le sort tombera. »

Role of Lotteries in Decision Making

* Book: The Luck of the Draw: The Role of Lotteries in Decision Making. Peter Stone. Oxford University Press, 2011


"From the earliest times, people have used lotteries to make decisions--by drawing straws, tossing coins, picking names out of hats, and so on. We use lotteries to place citizens on juries, draft men into armies, assign students to schools, and even on very rare occasions, select lifeboat survivors to be eaten. Lotteries make a great deal of sense in all of these cases, and yet there is something absurd about them. Largely, this is because lottery-based decisions are not based upon reasons. In fact, lotteries actively prevent reason from playing a role in decision making at all.
Over the years, people have devoted considerable effort to solving this paradox and thinking about the legitimacy of lotteries as a whole. However, these scholars have mainly focused on lotteries on a case-by-case basis, not as a part of a comprehensive political theory of lotteries. In The Luck of the Draw, Peter Stone surveys the variety of arguments proffered for and against lotteries and argues that they only have one true effect relevant to decision making: the "sanitizing effect" of preventing decisions from being made on the basis of reasons. While this rationale might sound strange to us, Stone contends that in many instances, it is vital that decisions be made without the use of reasons. By developing innovative principles for the use of lottery-based decision making, Stone lays a foundation for understanding when it is--and when it is not--appropriate to draw lots when making political decisions both large and small."

More Information

  1. Kleroterians
  2. Sortition


= advocates of Sortition in politics and elections, and randomized selection and lottery in human affairs


"Equality-by-lot is the blog of the Kleroterians. The Kleroterians are an informal group interested in the deliberate use of randomness (lottery) in human affairs. There are two main areas of interest: Its use in Governance (sortition) and Distribution. The aim of this blog is to provide a discussion and information forum for ourselves, but also a ‘shop-window’ for our ideas.
Membership as a Contributor is open to all ‘Kleroterians’ plus others we might agree to. A Contributor is someone who can post an article onto the blog." (

Key Book to Read

More Information

  1. Sortition


  • The Nature and Use of Lotteries, Thomas Gataker (ed. Conall Boyle) (1627, 2008)
  • Election by lot at Athens, James Wycliffe Headlam (1891)
  • Is democracy possible? The alternative to electoral politics, John Burnheim (1985)
  • A Citizen Legislature, A modest proposal for the random selection of legislators, Ernest Callenbach and Michael Phillips (1985, 2008)
  • Justice by Lottery, Barbara Goodwin (1992, 2005)
  • The Athenian Option, Radical reform for the House of Lords, Anthony Barnett and Peter Carty (1998, 2008)
  • Random selection in politics, Lyn Carson & Brian Martin (1999)
  • A People’s Parliament, Keith Sutherland (2008) (pub in 2004 as The Party’s Over: Blueprint for a very English revolution)
  • The Political Potential of Sortition, Oliver Dowlen (2008)
  • Sortition: Theory and Practice, Oliver Dowlen and Gil Delannoi (Editors) (2010)

  • a 1972 article in the journal “Public Choice” that proposed sortition for legislatures; issue 12 titled: REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY VIA RANDOM SELECTION by Dennis C. Mueller, Robert D. Tollison, and Thomas D. Willett (access the article online for free by registering on SpringerLink here:

Philippe Pascot : sur les agressions de politiques, l’inutilité des députés et sénateurs, car le vrai pouvoir est ailleurs...

Quand Philippe Pascot et Pascal Terrasse ("franc-maçon, ancien député, agressé en 2015") devisent sur les agressions de politiques, la corruption en haut de la pyramide, le ras-le-bol des gens, la démocratie qui n'en est pas une, l'inutilité des députés et sénateurs, et ce fameux vrai pouvoir qui serait ailleurs...

Source :

Dans cette conversation avec Anna Cabana, on commence par nous remémorer les agressions subies par le personnel politique ces derniers temps, Jean-Vincent Placé en étant le dernier exemple en date (les précédents sont NKM, Laurianne Rossi, M. Valls, P. Terrasse...).
L'ancien député rentre dans le vif du sujet : "Moi vous savez, j'ai été agressé parce que je suis franc-maçon."
Il enchaîne, en concédant que sa qualité d'homme politique lui a aussi valu en partie cette agression, et sur "ces pauvres parlementaires qui n'ont plus aucun pouvoir ! Le pouvoir est européen, le pouvoir est local, gouvernemental... Ils sont la serpillère de la république !"
Philippe Pascot réagit ironiquement sur l'agression dont a été victime Jean-Vincent Placé : "Je connais bien le petit Jean-Vincent...", "Il y a quand même des baffes qui se perdent..."
Anna Cabana lui rétorque qu'il joue avec des mots dangereux...
Mais Pascot lui fait remarquer que les politiques jouent avec le feu, en provoquant eux-mêmes ce ras-le-bol chez les gens qui se sentent trompés, volés : "arrêtez de nous retirer 5€ sur nos APL pendant que vous vous goinfrez avec des ortolans !"
"Vous avez été agressé parce que les gens en ont marre des politicards ! Parce que la politique c'est noble ! Les politicards c'est pas noble !
Tous les élus ne sont pas pourris (...) ; maintenant, plus on remonte en haut de la pyramide, plus on s'aperçoit que, quand même, les gens ils se sucrent pas mal, et en même temps ils nous donnent des leçons de morale, et en même temps ils nous disent qu'il faut que nous on se serre la ceinture, qu'on n'ait plus de retraite... Vous savez combien c'est la retraite d'un député au bout de trois mandats ? Vous savez combien c'est la retraite de la plupart des travailleurs dans quelques années ? ça va être 896€ brut, après 47 années d'annuités. Vous vivez à Paris avec 896€ ? Eh bien les gens ils en ont un petit peu ras-le-bol
Terrasse, lui, y voit la faute aux tendances populistes de certains dirigeants politiques...
Quant à l'utilité des députés : "Le vrai pouvoir est ailleurs ! Economique, médiatique..."
Pascot, malicieux : "ça veut dire que vous profitez de la soupe, mais en fait vous ne pouvez rien faire ?"
Terrasse, sûr de lui, mais énigmatique : "Le pouvoir est ailleurs ! Et il faut aller ailleurs !"
Pascot : "Les députés et sénateurs, aujourd'hui en France, ça ne sert à rien ?"
Terrasse : "Pas à grand chose..."
Pascot : "C'est merveilleux ! Mais ils sont super bien payés pour ne servir à rien..."
Terrasse, chantre de la démocratie (oubliant sans doute que certains réseaux de pouvoir plus ou moins occultes, dont il fait partie, aiment tant la démocratie qu'ils n'ont de cesse de l'étouffer sous les oripeaux d'une république pour le moins bananière...) : "Nous sommes dans un Etat démocratique (...). L'élection se passe. La souveraineté c'est quoi ? On fait et on défait les élus..."
Pascot regrette la non reconnaissance du vote blanc, une des raisons de la forte abstention...
Terrasse, un poil populiste : "Si les électeurs ne veulent pas voter, c'est leur choix !"
Pascot en remet une couche : "Aujourd'hui tout est fait pour que vous n'alliez pas voter... Quand vous avez le choix entre la peste et le choléra au second tour, qu'est-ce que vous faites ? Eh bien vous n'allez pas voter."
Et il met sur la table le problème des primaires, et des disparités de moyens entre les différents candidats, car bien sûr l'argent qui coule à flots, pour certains candidats, influe sur le résultat des élections.
Mais alors les élus vont abandonner le navire ?
Que nenni nous dit Philippe Pascot : "Les élus d'en haut, soit ils recommencent, soit ils sont recasés", recasés "en étant nommé par le fait du prince", dans une commission ad-hoc... (...). "Ceux d'en haut, vous inquiétez pas, ils trouvent des combines pour rester sur le terrain."
Là, notre chantre de la démocratie, l'ancien député Terrasse, s'est senti visé, si peu... vis-à-vis de sa nomination comme inspecteur général du développement durable au CGEDD en 2017...
(Wikipédia : "Sur décision du conseil des ministres et après avis favorable émis par la commission chargée d'apprécier l'aptitude à exercer les fonctions d'inspecteur général14, il est nommé en mars 2017 inspecteur général du développement durable au CGEDD15. Cette décision est critiquée comme étant un « recasage », alors que Pascal Terrasse ne se représente pas aux prochaines élections législatives16,17. Il démissionne le 23 mars 2017 de son siège de député.")
Oui, ce n'est pas très démocratique tout ça, mais on sait ce que vaut le mot "démocratie" dans la bouche de ces gens-là...
Terrasse tient quand même à dire que mettre sa nomination sur le tapis n'est pas très élégant...
On en pleurerait presque...
Et on attend toujours une vraie description de ce "vrai pouvoir"... situé en haut de la pyramide, comme le dit Philippe Pascot.

 Pour en savoir plus sur la moralité très particulière des politiques "d'en haut" : la chaîne YouTube de Philippe Pascot

Avec notamment la vidéo suivante : Philippe Pascot / SUD RADIO / Des vérités que les parlementaires n'aiment pas entendre

Source :

Source :

Transfinancial Economics

Project by Robert Searle

Tranfinancial Economics in a Nutshell

Transfinancial Economics, or TFE believes that largely non-repayable new unearned money can be created electronically, and slowly phased into the economy itself. If sufficient amounts of it can be produced this should not lead to serious inflation, or even hyperinflation (ie. Primary TFE similar to Quantitative Easing, or QE). However, if further new money was required then special unconventional super-flexible electronic controls would probably be necessary. In TFE they could monitor, and control inflation, and yet, allow the Free Market Price to rise, and fall naturally(ie. Advanced TFE). Such an arrangement could gradually phase out taxation, and possibly interest rates. These are the normal conventional methods to control inflation by helping to reduce money in circulation. But the super-flexible controls mentioned are far more advanced, and beneficial. If TFE is ultimately possible it would notably mean that many high ethical/social projects, and vital environmental ones (large, and small-scale) could be properly funded in full, or in part as never before. The only limits to this ofcourse would not be money but limited natural, and human resources.

One day TFE may be recognized as probably the most important breakthrough in the history of economics itself. The reason being is that it would (among other things) be able to give us a highly accurate understanding of the economy itself in Real-Time (or near Real-Time). This ofcourse does not exist in present day economics. Also, a very credible "inventory" of the amount of scarce resources used in the production of goods, and services could be created...again in Real-Time ideally.

PS. There is serious interest in the idea of "free" money especially in connection with the Universal Basic Income. The originator of this presentation on TFE is in favour of it. It could act as an essential stopgap for the phasing in of Transfinancial Economics in its most advanced form.

Transfinancial Economics is an evolving project nearing basic completion. It should be said that there has been a degree of interest in it from a number of people with economic backgrounds such as Warren Mosler, Andy Dennis, Stephen Monrad, Trond Andresen (cybernetics expert), Prem Sikka, and the noted autodidact, and futurist Hazel Henderson. In April 2010, TFE was also a subject discussed at a major scientific conference (the ICEME, or International Conference of Engineering, and Meta-Engineering, Florida, USA).

In 2016 a paper was published entitled Orthodox Monetary Theory: A Critique from Post Keynesianism and Transfinancial Economics by the economist, Dante A Urbina. It formed part of a respected academic publication called International Monetary System, Past, Present and Future edited by Dr Debesh Bhowmik. It should be said here that a paper may also be published soon by the originator of TFE itself. Furthermore, one paper was to be published some time ago, but after receiving the copyright clearance form a dispute arose with the editor in connection with it, and it was withdrawn by the author.

Anyway, it is important to say that TFE itself regards the financial system as a huge global IT system, and recognizes the reality that virtually all money exists as electronic,or digital data transmitted from one bank account to another. This means that the free flow of capital can be tracked, and controlled if necessary.

Essentially, TFE can be regarded as a form of Cybernetic Economics. Its scope, and scale is colossal....colossal enough to help deal with a whole range of multidimensional problems facing humanity, be it social, economic, or political.

It should be said that TFE is form of non-mainstream economics, or Heterodox Economics. It is not a science in the strict sense of the word. Yet,it has aspects which may appear "scientific". Ofcourse, it also takes into account uncertainty in the economy, and indeed, the irrationality of the money markets. It has special super-flexible electronic controls that can instantly adapt to such unexpected economic problems.

As one may gather, the "full" development of TFE will require the help of "open minded" experts notably in the fields of Economics, Computer Science, Politics, and indeed, the Law (both National, and International). Indeed, there may well be important global/political implications to consider notably international trading laws especially in connection with WTO, or the World Trade Organisation. Moreover, there could be implications for the EU State Rules, and certain other rules of such other influential organisations as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to do with amounts of money given to the Developing World by certain countries in the Developed World.

Please note that this presentation of TFE has been going through a whole series of changes, and where, and when necessary may be subject to further additions, and possible corrections. It is still a "work in progress" project. Also, the Kheper version of TFE which appears at times on search engines is out-of-date, and is not as authorative as the presentation here.

It should be clearly stressed here that TFE fully recognizes the vital importance of good planning by businesses, governments, and NGOs in connection with many commercial, and "charitable" projects. Without that, money can be so easily wasted. Hence, excellent planning is of equal importance to excellent funding. One cannot have one without the other. Thus, the two factors of good planning, and good funding are critical for success. The former can be seen as the "Brains" of a project, and the latter as the great Enabler.

IMPORTANT. It should be said too that references are made to supercomputers to possibly monitor, and control the economy within a capitalist system. However, quantum computers could do an infinitely better job than supercomputers if they are properly developed.
Also, please note that we do not waste any time, or space here with the usual conspiracies theories against banking, and bankers.

Towards Super Economics

An Introduction to a Major Global Paradigm

The following may be helpful for new readers.

Essentially, TFE claims that new closely monitored non-repayable money, or Facilitation Finance could be created electronically by special transparent, and credible funding mechanisms, or Facilitation Banks (and/or by governments to some extent). This could notably fund in full, or in part high environmental, and high socio-economic projects of great ethical value. This would help to speed things up unlike repayable loans, but interest free ones could also be created electronically when necessary, and when a commercial operation becomes self-supporting. Incidently, funding using non-repayable money could be used to deal with projects that have little, or indeed, no commercial viability.

The aim of all this is also to give powerful financial incentives to businesses. They could profit with genuine projects, and more importantly help save the planet, and its people notably in connection with Climate Change, and "irreversible" Global Warming.

Extra finance would not lead to serious inflation, or indeed, hyperinflation (eg. Zimbabwe) as the phasing in of newly created unearned money would be a gradual process, and the checks, and "controls" would be most effective in monitoring, and controlling inflation. This point is most notably true of Advanced Stage TFE explained a little later. Thus, there is no mad flooding of the real economy which ofcourse is absurd in extremis.

Strictly speaking, there are two forms of TFE, one of which has just been mentioned above. Firstly, Primary Stage TFE which is when the amount of new money created is limited to "sufficient" amounts. It notably uses Economic Indicators (eg. GDP, and Inflation Indexes)to help decide how much could be created, and used directly into the Real Economy. Also, the conventional method of raising taxation, and interest rates could be utilized to help decrease the money supply, and hence, reduce any inflationary pressures.

Also, it is important to note that Primary Stage TFE could be skipped altogether in favour of Advanced Stage TFE. This could be regarded as genuine Transfinancial Economics as the latter would involve highly credible programming using relevant algorithms, and supercomputers, and their ilke.

In contrast to Primary Stage TFE, Advanced Stage TFE itself can create and phase in far greater amounts of new financial capital for projects mentioned in the first paragraph of this section. This should become clear shortly.

Among other things, Advanced Stage TFE can gain a "near perfect" knowledge of the entire economy of the country. Such Big Data as it is called would come about via full Electronic Transaction Monitoring(or ETM)and could be collected 24/7 in Real-Time. This is done via the ID codes, and barcodes of most products, and services at the electronic Point of Sale (EPOS), or later transactions with banks.

Due to comprehensive algorithmic programming, the Free Market Price comparisons can be made in Real-Time, and inflationary pressures can be detected (ie. data mining). This transaction data could be vital to bring about a genuine wholesale sea change towards an environmentally more comprehensive sustainable, and socially ethical economy, as more, and more new electronically monitored non-repayable money could be gradually phased in, and created with real confidence, and without any serious inflation in Advanced Stage TFE.

As we would have a highly accurate understanding of the real economy inflation risks could possibly be more accurately assessed continually via "instant" continuous computer simulations of the economy itself. This is revolutionary when fully understood. However, it is worth repeating here that TFE would have to take into account uncertainty, and indeed, the irrationality of the money markets. As such economic forecasts would still be very difficult to do accurately. However, such predictions may be more accurate than conventional methods.

Another aspect of Advanced Stage TFE, and full ETM is taxation(and interest) itself could possibly be phased out. Moreover, fuller funding of many charitable NGOs would also become possible, and fundraising for them could ultimately be phased out altogether in many cases.

In Advanced Stage TFE there would be super-flexible direct electronic controls (similiar to temporary "price controls" but far more advanced)to ensure inflation, and currency devaluation can never get out of hand. This would involve an instantaneous intervention with little, or no time-lag. This is explained in more detail later on.

However, as far as the collection of income tax is concerned it would be allowed to continue for the time being via conventional means. It would not be undertaken by some form of "instant" electronic deduction(s)even though this is perfectly possible. Civil, and criminal fines (a kind of tax if such it could be called) would still exist ofcourse.

It is also important to point out that we are not discussing a full Soviet style top down command/control economy. The reason why is that the Free Market Price is largely determined by private businesses, and capitalism in an increasingly more ethical form (due to increasing powerful financial incentives notably created by non-repayable money, plus repayable money as loans if necessary)would still continue until there is "full" automation when money, and wage slavery would no longer exist, and hence, become largely, or wholly unnecessary. This could with the right education lead to the "natural" phasing out of the rich elites, and lead to a more advanced non-hierarchical society based on true cooperation rather than competition.

During the above process, pressure groups, or NGOs would become increasingly more influential as they would gain over time greater, and greater access to mainly newly created funds from independent grant making bodies, and possible other sources. Thus, the process of socio-economic, and political reform should grow apace as never before in human history.

Hopefully, a more advanced technological, and more moral human civilization will largely emerge based on improved Democracy, Universal Human Rights, and greater fairness. In other words, Global Justice. As can be seen TFE is concerned essentially with a system's change to achieve these lofty goals.

Present Day Economics

Mainstream Neo-Classical Economics has developed a somewhat appalling reputation as the dismal "science". Most of its work appears to be largely theoretical, and based on highly questionable statistics, and mathematical modelling. Its economic forecasts often, or not turn out to be wrong.

Moreover, there is still an obsession with the need for more, and more unsustainable growth even though the planet has finite resources. More startling though, is that there is little, or no real understanding of the importance of how money is created, and what it fully means in society, and the world.

Unfortunately, Neo-Classical Economics still has great influence over the economics profession. Essentially, it believes in the "Free Market" in which little, or virtually no regulation is needed. Thus, Capitalism then appears to do well by being largely unimpeded by red tape.

Such ideology received a battering with the Great Financial Crisis, or GFC (2007-2008, and the following Global Recession) in which the entire world banking system practically collapsed, and was saved by massive bailouts. Ofcourse, the basic cause of the GFC was largely the overproduction of repayable loans due arguably to too much self-regulation. With TFE advanced computer technology would be able to get an accurate knowledge when such a "process" was beginning to get out of hand, and hence, curb the possibility of a serious economic collapse. This would also involve the likelihood of more advanced regulations.

The Creation of Money

In TFE ofcourse, money is recognized as being largely digital, or electronic encrypted data which can be transmitted from one bank account to another at the touch of a button. Governments create it notably as paper, and coins. This makes up a near non-existent portion of the entire money supply itself, and is spent into the economy as something largely non-repayable. However, the rest of the money is created electronically out of thin air by mainly private banks via Credit Creation as repayable loans with interest charged on them. In other words, unlike what many people may think, they do not actually lend out existing money from their reserves. The amounts they can issue are supposed to be limited by a "set" fraction of existing money held. However, in most, if not in "all" cases this is not observed. Thus, banks can create any amount of new repayable money. In the light of all this, it is not surprising that certain banking reformers believe that banks should not be allowed to create more money than they actually have.But it is very hard to see how this can ever become a reality in the foreseeable future.

As can be seen the actual mechanics of money creation are subject to some controversy. But what does appear to be clear as day is the seeming fact that private banks can create money ex nihilo which gives them great power. But this money is something which is repayable(ie. a loan) as opposed to being something non-repayable. Also, there are ofcourse a number of NGOs such as Positive Money, and the American Monetary Institute which are concerned with such issues.

A NOTE. In connection with the money creation by banks the actual principal, or the borrower's hard earned money (not created out of thin air electronically ofcourse) is apparently actually deleted leaving the interest (ie. earned money) on a loan for the bankers. This raises interesting ethical, and philosophical questions on the nature of money which is beyond the scope of this presentation on TFE.

Brief look at some other "Unconventional" Monetary Initiatives

Anyhow, some radical monetary reformers believe (like the Muslims) that loans should be free of interest, and of "excessive" interest, or usury. Others like the idea of banks possibly being nationalized.

Certain monetary reformers believe in the development, and the usuage of free local currencies which strictly speaking are meant to be tax free, and interest free. These have obvious limitations, but they are easily set up, and are workable. However, new virtual cryptocurrencies, notably Bitcoin have a global reach. They are usually anonymous transactions, and have no Central Bank.
Another important initiative is the emergence of P2P lending companies that avoid mainstream banks. Zopa is one such example in which lenders, and borrowers are brought together. Crowdfunding is another, in which the internet notably is used to raise money directly from the people themselves for some business proposal, or charity.

To return to TFE. It can be regarded by many as being very similiar to Social Credit(Socred) started by C.H. Douglas. Modern Monetary Theory, or MMT (also called Neo-Chartalism )is also like TFE. Both notably believe in the responsible creation of mainly new non-repayable money, or what he referred to as Debt-Free Money in the case of Social Credit.

It should be said too that MMT seems to be gaining some traction notably among the American progressives. It can be summed up in one sentence. Essentially, it believes that government should create new money to fund public expenditure, and taxation is only used as a means of controlling inflation. This is a good "workable" idea which would be fairly easy, and quick to set up. One recommends it as an excellent start in the development towards a more Non-Debt Based Economic System. However, TFE in its Advanced Stage would require time to set up, but the amount of new money it could create, and phase in would ultimately be far greater than MMT probably. The reason for this is that it would be possible to gradually increase the levels of inflation, but at the same time retain the value of the currency. This can only be successfully achievable if the economy can be monitored, and controlled in Real-Time, or near Real-Time. All this is explained in some detail later on. Furthermore, taxation itself could be phased out altogether as a means of controlling inflation.

A New Vision and Understanding of Money

Policy makers, and technocrats in Advanced Stage TFE are given full confidence that newly created money could be "safely" created.Instead of conventional "controls" of raising taxation, and interest rates to try, and control inflation the TFE ones would be electronic, and ideally instantaneous. As a result, taxation, and interest rates could possibly be phased out altogether.

Some people would say that the notion of creating new non-repayable money is funny money. But as we have seen here in connection with banks they themselves create it ex nihilo as something repayable(ie as loans).

Moreover, in TFE itself we are not discussing easy money because controls on its electronic issuance would be legally credible, and transparent.

For some, the notion that new money could be created at the push of a button is socially unacceptable. Yet, social, economic, and political injustice is also socially unacceptable especially if there is a lack of conventional earned funding available to back up NGOs, (green) businesses, and governments to deal with it.This gives newly created money a new higher value, and ethical dimension as never before.

The Problem with Redistribution

It has been said that there may be more than enough money to change the world.The problem is gaining legal access to it especially where there is a genuine social,econommic, or environmental issue at stake.Apparently, most of the money of the world exists in financial trading, or "betting casinos" dealing with derivatives (eg. currency speculation). Indeed, the sum total of the capital involved may even be several times greater than the entire Gross Domestic Product(GDP)of the planet.

Some activist groups have suggested the implementation of the Financial Transaction Tax (FFT), or Robin Hood Tax to raise funds in the real productive economy. In TFE such an approach at "redistribution" in this context is ultimately seen as unnecessary, and frankly absurd when sufficient sums could be created at the press of a button. Incidently, it is interesting to point out that the Transaction Tax appears to be an instant electronic deduction in Real-Time.

However, redistribution of financial wealth using taxation is fine, and ethical as far as it goes. It is highly unlikely though that such capital will "ever" be fairly redistributed due to the present Capitalist System, and the Free Market Economy. Moreover though, the problems facing humanity such as food security, Climate Change/Global Warming, population growth, and the like are colossal. To try, and solve this via earned money alone through taxation, and business investment will probably become increasingly difficult. Hence, the need for TFE to speed up, and facilitate change notably using newly created non-repayable money, or indeed, repayable finance as an add on where necessary to earned capital. In other words, direct financial easing by special Facilitation Banks, and/or by governments if absolutely necessary.

The Emergence of Facilitation Banks

If Primary, and later Advanced Stage TFE is undertaken the introduction of ethical Smart Banks, or rather Facilitation Banks, or FBs is an important start.They can be seen as "superbanks". They could become a part of the mainstream banking system but they would have a far tighter regulatory framework. Ofcourse, there are a few so-called "ethical" banks already such as Charity Bank, and Tridos.

Anyhow, FBs would have powers to electronically create closely monitored new non-repayable Debt-Free Money (ie. Facilitation Finance) as well as repayable interest free loans if necessary. The interest on loans does not have to come from the customer necessarily but could instead be electronically created by the Central Bank, or by some other independent authority. Something similiar could happen with the new non-repayable capital. In other words, an operating cost ideally, or more controversially, Grant Interest which could increase depending on the amount of new money created.

The basic aim, and purpose of such FBs is to create funds for projects which would be difficult if not "impossible" to finance by conventional means as indicated earlier on. Initially, their remit though is largely targetted at investing in full, or in part in large, or small human-scale concerns to do with renewable energy alternatives, enviromental projects as well as social/ethical "entrepreneurial" businesses, or indeed, non-profit "enterprises".

The decision making process on all this must be largely, if not wholly be free from any undue influence from governments, and corporations.It must notably be transparent, holistic and "objective" as possible with all options for consideration for some specific project, or projects that could be vital for the social, and environmental "health" of the planet. In the main this would require bona fide experts in their respective fields. It could involve genuinely transparent cooperation, and partnerships with governments, NGOs, and existing green businesses as well as Open Source consultations with the public.

Ofcourse, when ready, investors using their own earned money could put it in some commercial project in order to gain a return. Indeed, their assets could be financially protected by the FB should the economy of any country face any serious problems, and hence, could avoid capital flight where possible.

However, quite unlike existing mainstream commercial banks,(which would coexist with FBs) the financial dealings of FBs are continually, and fully tracked electronically to prevent fraud with specific algorithms for the job. Such a process could again be undertaken by a Central Bank, or by some other credible body which could also possibly impose instant fines, and/or indeed, an instant freeze on targeted accounts as part of a legally binding contract.

Also, during tough business negotiations with companies, and notably corporations the FB would have access to "infinite" sums of money. This would hopefully ensure that only the very best lawyers, and business negotiators are always employed to ensure that contracts are genuinely enforceable, and hence, honoured.

Essentially, the amount of funding which FBs can create is dependent on the cost, and availability of present, and future planned resources, or products from suppliers. This means that the amount of goods needed to be manufactured for some project would need to be planned well in advance.

Ideally, if possible at all, checks on the relevant suppliers in the supply chain as to whether they have sufficient capacity to produce such resources could be undertaken. Capacity though could be increased if necessary by the FB. Ofcourse, it would be possible to have the relevant products (and services) on order to be electronically monitored whenever money is transmitted. In effect, we could have to some extent an Advanced Market Commitment in which a more "Protected" Economy would emerge within the present "Free Market" System.

With the aid of experts it is hoped that Facilitation Banks, and indeed, Facilitation Finance in the context of TFE will become a serious proposition. This innovative financial model would certainly be more advanced than such controversial global institutions as the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, or IMF.

Indeed, FBs would not lead to "competition" with "normal" mainstream banks as the latter could possibly have equal shares in the FBs, or some other legal arrangement(s). Understandably, some NGOs may regard them with suspicion but hopefully this will be dispelled if everything goes to plan "successfully".

Some critics will probably point out that elected governments alone should have the power via an independent body to have Facilitation Finance created rather than mainly by companies such as the FBs (possibly existing mainly as private companies, or as indicated here be owned by the state in full, or in part). The reason for emphasis on the latter (unbracketted) approach is that it is hard to see that a country notably like the US would frown on the idea of greater government interventionism in the "Free Market" Economy.

Thus, something like FBs could be more acceptable, and their influence towards more environmentally, and ethically centred businesses would be more agreeable. Arguably, more regulations could do this to some extent, and this would be a more ethical approach rather than greater financial incentives (eg The European Union regulation for design of Energy Related Products Directive 2009/125/EC).

However, many companies including a certain corporations are taking the initiative as they realize for example that recycling, and reusing resources in the Free Market makes good business sense as the planet has finite resources. A good example of this is the promotion of the so-called Circular Economy. To some extent, this already exists as more, and more "rubbish" is being recycled rather than sent to landfill.

Another instance of the Free Market at work is Ethical Investment. People can decide for themselves in which shares, or securities they could invest in. Such investments should ideally go into companies with a good environmental/socially ethical track record.

All this, is very well, and good, but sufficient amounts of new non-repayable money (plus interest free loans ideally)could also be created to speed things up in a Free Market Economy. Ofcourse, to a very limited extent, a number of governments have been doing just that, but ofcourse using earned money from green taxes. A huge amount needs to be done though as there are many complex aspects to this subject.

Democratic Governments, and Taxation

In TFE, taxation could possibly be phased out over time. In other words, earned money from the people would be gradually reduced in terms of tax liability as new non-repayable money is slowly phased in. In other words, Facilitation Finance by democratic governments.

At the present time, democratic governments could arguably create money electronically directly. This could come about with the relevant legal changes as indicated earlier. However, an independent public body could also be ideally created to ensure that such funding was spent properly.

At present though, if there are shortfalls in tax revenues, governments can issue bonds. These are IOUs mainly bought up by the rich, and super rich companies, and corporations in which money is lent to governments. When paid back by government the bonds also carry interest which act as profit for lenders in the private sector. In other words, a good example of our present Debt-Based Economics.

In Quantitative Easing, or QE governments again create bonds (with the right legal arrangements), and these though are bought up by the Central Bank electronically creating new unearned money ex nihilo. This could be seen as a form of Primary TFE.

Incidently, bond trading itself is a huge global market. With TFE it could continue if necessary, or be gradually phased out (if desired). If the latter happened, investors could receive compensation, or alternatively other kinds of financial instruments, or investments could be found. These could be far more lucrative. In other words, vested interests would not find TFE a threat, thus making global change quicker, and easier to achieve. This seems to be the most sensible, and practical way forward. Trying to do otherwise would probably be too slow, and "virtually impossible" to do.

The Electronic Profile of the Economy, and Big Data in Real-Time/Advanced Stage TFE

Most products, and services in the business world have codes for the ease of accounting. Small shops, and supermarkets often, or not have barcodes which are used at checkouts to electronically account for sales transactions of customers. This is known as the Electronic Point of Sales, or EPOS. This notably gives retailers an accurate understanding of the demand of barcoded products along with their identifications, or IDs.

Such a method known as Electronic Transaction Monitoring, or ETM could also be used to create an electronic profile of the entire economy in Real-Time (or near Real-Time if necessary). What we are also ofcourse talking about here is Big Data,and instant Data Mining. Morever, even so-called Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence could also possibly play a part.

Anyway, under new regulations, retailers would not only account for their sales, but would also at the same time transmit their information to a public, or semi-public, or private inflation authority (which could be a part of the banking system, or independent of it). With modifications in barcodes,such transaction data (largely identified but not always,and would allow for commercial confidentiality where necessary) would be able to build up a highly accurate electronic Global Domestic Product, or GDP of the entire economy on a daily basis(ie.24/7) essentially in near Real-Time, or rather in Real-Time par excellence.

The question now is this. Why is it vital to know the economy as far as possible in Real-Time? The answer is basically three-fold.

i) To electronically monitor, and track, and compare price changes of specific groupings of most products, and services to help check inflation status.

If serious rises in prices occur they could be monitored, and targetted by direct electronic controls rather than always using indirect controls of taxation, and interest on loans which could be phased out over time. This process would involve advanced, and highly credible algorithmic programming, and the possible use of supercomputers of the inflation authority. A more "decentralized" version of this could also exist.

ii) To create a highly accurate electronic "inventory" of resources used to make up products, or goods.

This will become increasingly vital as resource scarcity increases. Such data would be good for democratic government planners, and more importantly for private business planners who have a profit motive as their incentive. In other words, improved traceability. Indeed, something called the Blockchain (usually associated with Cryptocurrencies) exists to a somewhat limited extent which can electronically track the provenance of the materials used in the making of goods in a supply chain.

iii) To bring about a greater understanding of the dynamics of the economy itself.

This may be very useful for future economists. With continuous computer simulations garnered directly in Real-Time (ideally) from ETM of the Real Economy itself it may be possible to "accurately" forecast the potential inflation impact involved in the creation of new unearned money (ie. Facilitation Finance) for certain vital projects. It could also ultimately give us direct data of the productive capacity of various "small" companies, and corporations as never before.

Indeed, the origins of potential business cycles of boom, and bust could be tracked, and resolved. This is a very important point. In other words, recessions, and depressions could become things of the past. This could notably involve a Quantitative Easing for the People, as well as a Quantitative Easing for Businesses.

Anyway, Transfinancial Economics, or TFE itself is an IT Megaproject. Unfortunately, at the present time though management of such Projects can fail. However, there is no reason in the world why they cannot be achieved with total persistence in the future with greater, and greater insight gathered from the analysis of past experience. Thus, ETM on a national scale represents a big technical challenge, but it is one well worth undertaking as the social, economic, environmental, and political implications of it would be colossal.

Incidently, cash transactions, or something similiar could still exist, and be adapted to Advanced TFE in some manner, or other.

It should be said that such an "Electronic Economy" would be "fully" protected against Cyberattacks. Indeed, there would always be the funds to ensure that security is continually reviewed to the highest possible standards.

Finally for this section it must be added that the Data Mining involved would require a huge amount of electricity. One way of dealing with this is possibly to reduce the amount of "Mining" needed. However, solar power, and other alternative energies could be utilized to deal with this "problem" successfully. Nuclear power is obviously another possible option but a far less popular one.

Super Flexible Instantaneous Electronic Controls

With the continous electronic monitoring of the Free Market Prices of the transaction of most goods, and services the data which results is transmitted to the inflation authority where supercomputers could be programmed to notably check any inflationary problems.

However, economists would recognize the direct electronic controls mentioned above as being like "price controls," but a far more advanced version of them. The key feature of them is that in Advanced TFE they are super-flexible, and instantaneous. They are also notably super-sensitive to the changes in Real-Time to inflationary pressures in ways unimaginable to the old clumsy, and "rigid" price controls of the past.

Ofcourse, their correct programming using algorithms is absolutely vital, and this could be based with likely modifications on existing formulas, and equations known in Econometrics. Naturally, such an arrangement could take into account many factors in Free Market Pricing such as the value added to a product, or service. It should also be said that a producer of goods, or services would have to register online by law to ensure that their offerings can be correctly identified at the point of transactions by special barcodes, or like means.

Such electronic, or digital transactions would occur in the main with smartphones, or indeed, by debit, or credit cards, or something similiar. These can transmit, and receive money electronically. Ofcourse, to a growing extent, this already happens in many parts of the world.

Anyhow, there are a number of things which the electronic controls (open to further modification, and development) could do, and they would naturally enough require specific algorithms to be programmed carefully, and properly :-

i) Above Inflation Adjustment

A Free Market Price of a product being bought at a checkout is found to be above the inflation rate. An example, should make it clear as to what happens. Lets say that the price of product X is instantly checked by the inflation authority using supercomputers at the Point of Sale. It is found that X is 2p above inflation. As a result, the 2p is instantly added to the customer's bank account electronically (ie. Inflation Interest). However, the retailer still retains the 2p on product X. The extra 2p for the customer is an adjustment, or instant subsidy created electronically with newly created money.

Ofcourse, an instant electronic inflation tax could be created to deduct the inflated value of money. This though is avoided unless it is absolutely necessary. TFE aims to be as business friendly as possible otherwise attempts to introduce it would be blocked by commercial interests.

ii) Below Inflation Adjustment

This is when a price of a product may be below the inflation rate, and an instant subsidy, or adjustment is created electronically. Again, to take a simple example. A customer wishes to buy product Z at the Point of Sale. The price is checked instantly by the inflation authority. It is found that Product Z is being sold below inflation by 2p. As such, the retailer, and not ofcourse, the customer gets 2p straight into their account.

What is described above is deliberately "simplistic" as there may well be many aspects to all this that are beyond the scope of our presentation.

iii) Instant Price Drop Subsidy

This may be necessary if the Free Market Price is rising too quickly. If so, a price drop may be undertaken instantaneously. At the same time, a subsidy, or adjustment is instantly created with new money which creates a "progressive" profit to a certain level for the retailer instead of a profit "loss". In effect, it creates an incentive to drop prices if, and when necessary.

iv) Electronic Price Capping.

Here, a maximun price may be set by a government, or by an FB in certain circumstances. If the price of production starts to exceed the maximun price, the producers would recieve instant financial help, or compensation where necessary as long as they stick to the temporary "control" price. Ofcourse, electronic price capping should be avoided at all cost as it could in certain instances lead to serious shortages, and price distortions.The aim in TFE is to allow as far as possible for the laws of supply, and demand to be maintained naturally.

It should again be added here that similar methods to the above could possibly be used to help control "bubbles" in the economy (eg."runaway" rising prices in the housing market being the classic example).'

The Question of Economic Growth

As many realize the planet has finite resources. Thus, continous exponential growth cannot go on indefinitely. In Advanced TFE there is a long temporary period of rapid economic growth but it is heavily influenced notably by the power of FBs, and Facilitation Financing making the present capitalist system far more environmentally sustainable, more ethical, and energy efficient as never before in human history.

Yet, how finite is our planet really? This is arguably at present an "impossible" question to fully, or accurately answer. But, it has also been pointed out that most of the resources of our planet lie under sea beds. To actually "mine them"(with robots) is prohibitively expensive but there appear to be small initial attempts to do just that. With Facilitation Finance this process could be speeded up, but it must be undertaken in a responsible manner.

Apart from mining sea beds, there are other ways to deal with the potential resource scarcity question. They could include the following:-

i) The development of safe Nanotechnology which could create new resources out of thin air via the manipulation of atoms.

ii) Space exploration with the aid of Facilitation Finance could find resources from other planets. These could be brought to our terrestrial world.

iii) Again, with Facilitation Finance it would be possible to create colonies on other planets, and hopefully, use their resources responsibly.

iv) Inventions could be developed to create more out of less, and less. For example, miniaturization of certain devices/products would require little in the way of resources for their creation. In economics this is sometimes referred to as dematerialization.

v) Digital Abundance is an awareness, and indeed, a growing reality that online/internet information is "infinite" and not subject to mainstream resource scarcity as we would understand it.

It should be said here that people (especially the young) should become more, and more educated in that we must live simpler, less materialistic lives. This does not mean going back to the "stone age" but instead to an advanced technological world in which higher values, or ideals should take their place of unnecessary overconsumption, or "affluenza". This is not a question of ideology. It is a question of practical necessity. This would all be part of GEMs, or Global Education Movements mentioned later on.

Some Other Key Benefits of Transfinancial Economics.

Apart from the above section there are many other benefits with TFE. They would include the following list.

a) Poverty.

With TFE, NGOs concerned with this issue would become increasingly empowered financially by Facilitation Finance which could be had directly from a FB, or possibly a government agency. It could also come from one, or more "independent" grant-making body (ie. a foundation, or trust). Such better financed NGOs with good strategies, and logistics(ie good planning) could thus help reduce inequality in the world more quickly than at present.

Indeed, some of them could modify microfinance in the developing world to include an UBI, or Universal Basic Income, or subsidy of sorts without having to borrow money all the time (except possibly for the development of some form of self-employment/business ofcourse). It could be electronically created by FBs, or by genuine governments, or by both of them in partnership.

It should be stressed that every effort would be made to ensure that new money does not go into the wrong hands especially in the developing world. What is notably required here is a very credible "full-proof" system for the electronic tracking of funds which could lead to instant fines, and/or freeze of relevant targeted accounts. This was mentioned earlier on in the text in connection with FBs, but is worth repeating. Moreover, NGOs could get Facililtation Finance to help fund regular spot checks on people, and organisations involved in some socially ethical project be it social, or environmentally important.

Moreover, such financing could also be invested in making sure aid workers are "fully" protected, along with their convoys from terrorist attacks in countries under crisis.

b) Health Care.

Irrespective of whether health care is largely in private hands, or not, Facilitation Financing could help enhance the existing system in which everyone in spite of their economic status has access to high quality medical intervention. This process could happen in both the developed world, and the developing world. Again, efficient planning plays a vital role in all this ofcourse.

One vital potential application of all this is that TFE could fund in full, or in part new antibiotic drugs to help save the lives of huge numbers of people in the present, and in the future. Such medicines make little, or indeed, no real profit for the big corporations, and their ilke, and hence, an "unconventional" approach to funding may be required.

c) Food Security.

Here, innovative but safe production of more food could be funded in full, or in part by Facilitation Finance. Moreover, like their developed world couterparts, farmers in the developing world could receive in full, or in part subsidies notably via closely monitored new non-repayable money created electronically.

d) Population.

NGOs with ideas, and projects concerned with this matter could be funded in full, or in part by Facilitation Finance. These would probably be largely educational in nature (ie. family planning advice).

e) Climate Change, and Potential Global Warming.

This is probably the most important challenge facing the human race,(apart from potential resource scarcity) and could infact, threaten its very existence. A huge amount needs to be done in the quickest space of time. "Science Fiction" type projects should be considered seriously such as Geoengineering (eg.Sun Dimming Management), and various adaption, and mitigation projects such as special dams, underground cities/towns, artificial underwater dwellings, artificial "islands", special tunnels, underground agriculture*, "unusual" technological "fixes" to reduce carbon emissions (causing Climate Change) and the like could become serious possibilities with the aid of Facilitation Finance. Governments need to take climate change very seriously, along with global warming irrespective of whether such "scenarios" ultimately happen, or not. To do otherwise is totally irresponsible, and could lead to the future deaths of thousands, or indeed, millions of people on the planet. It should be stated that most scientists believe that Climate Change is largely man-made, and could lead to serious Global Warming.

It aught to be added that though the market price of renewables (notably for wind, and solar power)are falling the need for greater, and greater capital investment would still be necessary in projects notably mentioned above. This is very important to understand, and appreciate. Dealing with Climate Change, and potential Global Warming is a complex multi-faceted problem. Moreover, even if humanity manages to reach a largely low, or zero carbon state, there is no telling whether we have actually reached the so-called tipping point in which "irreversible" Global Warming occurs. Hence, the need to turn our planet into Fortress Earth which could largely withstand extreme weather conditions, and the like.

*It should be noted that there is some evidence in connection with below ground "human-induced" activity causing minor earthquakes (so-called "HiQuakes") However, it should be noted that there is no reason to believe that structures such as houses underground could not be largely protected by advanced design "technology", but this ofcourse would require more capital investment.

Possible National, and International "Compensation" with Facilitation Finance

One aspect of TFE is that any "unethical" environmental activity undertaken by some company, or transnational corporation could if absolutely necessary be paid "compensation" (depending on the situation) to stop, or correct itself from going ahead, or continuing with something which may be "wrong" for the people, and the planet. Such an approach has already been undertaken by a number of governments on certain issues (eg. protecting threatened forests), but ofcourse using earned money (ie.via taxation) on a limited scale. With TFE though such "compensation" can be undertaken on a massive scale by FBs, and possibly governments via an independent public authority.

In an ideal world there should be a credible global environmental agency which could ensure that corporations, and smaller business organizations are regulated in ways which are legally binding, and truly enforceable on an international scale. This is the high ethical approach.
However, the lower ethical approach of legally "bribing" them to move in the right directions would probably be necessary in a large number of cases. Ofcourse, we are not discussing here a friendly, or hostile takeover bid, or indeed, disinvestment ofcourse. The aim again is to be business friendly as possible without sacrificing many important ethical/environmental principles. This should speed up change which is vital in our present time.

An important example, of all this is the possible implications for over consumption of certain products (even where there may be a demand for them). Some lines of environmentally "wasteful" productions (eg particular types of goods with planned obsolescence) could be quickly phased out altogether where necessary, and profits lost as a result could be compensated using a one off payment, or alternatively as continuous compensation as if the products concerned were still being created, and sold. In other words, a lower ethical approach which may seem "utterly outrageous" for some, but may for practical purposes be deemed necessary.

All this has profound importance for humanity. But it should be said that TFE is not the panacea for all the problems of the world. Yet, it can certainly help solve many of them in a "surprising" manner.

PS. Another way of doing things is B Corporation which issues private certificates claiming that a corporation is being "ethical" as far as social, and environmental issues are concerned.

"Full" Automation, the Future, and Global Citizenship

During the transition from a debt based economic system to a non-debt based one in which taxation, and interest could ultimately be phased out, many momentous, and simultaneous socio-economic, and political changes would probably occur. But the rates at which this evolutionary process would happen will vary from one country to another.

One of the future momentous events is the phasing in of "full" automation on a huge scale. This could lead to growing "unemployment". However, something like an UBI, or Universal Basic Income (mentioned earlier on) could be introduced irrespective of whether one is employed, or not. This would not require means testing. Moreover, it could be financed in full, or in part by new non-repayable funds without fear of serious inflation.

In the light of the above paragraph, other kinds of "leisure-like" forms of work, or employment could come into being. Alternatively, for some, a green business could be created but with a high degree of automation included. The finance for such things would not be a problem. Ultimately, the only problem with developing such "enterprises" would no longer be financial capital but rather good efficient small-scale, or large-scale planning, plus relevant resources. Ideally, such "businesses" should also be genuine cooperatives.

Naturally enough, TFE has great implications for NGOs. These Civil Societies could expand, and be able to bring aboard new recruits as money would become easier to find, and fundraising itself could also be ultimately phased out altogether in many cases. Hence, progress of socio-economic, and political issues (eg. Fair Trade, Human Rights, Poverty Reduction, Globalization, Racial Discrimination, Campaign Finance, et al) will gain far greater momentum, influence, and power as never before in human history. Thus, Advanced TFE can lead to greater, and greater Democracy rather than to some dystopian future.

Certain better financed NGOs would find it easier to challenge elitist plutocratic power structures if they feel that their activities to a certain extent are unethical in some manner, or other.

...But, TFE may make the wealthy richer notably with genuine green, and socially ethical type investments. It could also ironically lead to their own demise when automation begins to take over most work activities. This could be accelerated with new non-repayable money. When near "full" automation, is achieved on a largely global scale money itself could become largely, or wholly unnecessary. This is very important to try, and grasp.It is revolutionary. Essentially, TFE can be seen as a transitional stage from a money based system to something more akin to a non-money based one.

With the growing financial empowerment of NGOs for a new, and hopefully a better, and fairer world the following could be included notably.

i) The continuance of Open Democracy, and respect for Universal Human Rights.

ii) Growing altruism, and more humanitarian action in society should act as the key incentive rather than the profit motive. This is very important. Indeed, so-called Hedonic, or Happiness Economics can play a part in all this via its "scientific quantification" of "well-being" of people through the further creation of special Indexes. This ofcourse goes beyond the mere material wealth accumulation of the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP of an entire country. Happiness Economics can present a more fuller, and more advanced picture of the economy in relation to human beings.

iii) Possible evolution towards direct/digital Democracy in which a Universal Debating Project could be part of a "Global Brain", or "forum" could be credibly created on the internet on a P2P Open Source basis to show clearly "all-known" arguments notably for, and against social, economic, and political issues (presented without too much verbal padding). In other words, an objective, and holistic approach to information. This could be updated continually in Real-Time.

iv) The need to move towards a society in which cooperation, and high ideals rather than competition, and greed should be the incentive to drive the world forwards. At the same time, there should be greater growth in the development of a "genuine" Sharing Economy in which products, and services could be shared for non-financial gain.

v) There should be a greater emphasis for "smaller" human-scale communities which could be highly self-sufficient. This is important, but huge "smart" eco-cities could also possibly be developed, and expanded simultaneously. Also, there should be a drive towards more, and more decentralised energy systems.

vi) As already indicated, NGOs notably concerned with inequality would become increasingly empowered by Facilitation Finance in the form of grants, and interest free loans to improve the lot of the poor. One aspect of this is the creation of more social housing which could be funded in full, or in part with new non-repayable money.

vii) Greater decentralisation of power especially at the top.

viii) Society should become less, and less hierarchical.

It is ultimately envisaged that something like an advanced technological world will emerge. The Venus Project inspired by Jacque Fresco, a noted populariser of something akin to Technocracy could be seen as an example of what could be done. Unfortunately, it does not seem to have any real, or credible transition plan, unlike Transfinancial Economics.

The ideas above could help form the basis of a new global order of existence. They are progressive, and humane. They also indicate the need for the entire world to move towards Global Cooperation, and Global Citizenship.

Indeed, there should over time be the creation of Global Education Movements (or GEMs)which could inspire the young especially, to bring about change in the world. Ofcourse, there are many groups already which are similar to GEMs. They could join in, and work together more, and more to bring about a "saner" reality in the spirit of genuine cooperation. This could notably occur with P2P-like computer networks.

Naturally enough, GEMs could be funded in full, or in part with new money electronically created.

PS. It should be stressed that automation (including robotics ofcourse) should be totally suited to a low carbon, or "zero carbon economy," and as such would qualify for Facilitation Financing.

Campaign Activism for Transfinancial Economics.

In order to bring about the serious possibility of change from our present debt based economy of taxation, and interest to one which is largely non-debt based, a campaign would be necessary. Unfortunately, at the present time, a grassroots organization(s) to directly challenge banks, and their kind is unlikely to work. A more pragmatic approach is needed.

To promote TFE a campaign is required. Initially, it is suggested here that a professional website would need to be set up to spread the word of Transfinancial Economics as a serious, and credible proposal. It could be sent to people, and organizations that have real power, and influence such as government policy makers, banks, specialized financial companies, progressive think tanks, et cetera. Other such strategies could be utilized. This is probably the way forward, and there are a number of other key aspects to this process notably in connection with the main website. They are:-

I. News update about the campaign progress, notably the lobbying of certain governments.

II. Commissioned papers (initially) by willing forward thinking economists (and others, notably computer scientists) possibly using econometric models to show the efficacy of TFE in technical terms, including detailed studies on various facets of the subject.

III. A scholarly online Journal of Transfinancial Economics.

V. A powerpoint presentation of TFE for downloading.

VI. Monitoring advances in technology, notably in connection to dynamic algorithmic pricing, and developments in Big Data would help to give TFE greater, and greater credibility. Indeed, it aught to be added that there are now initiatives to electronically track to a limited degree, the Free Market Price of products, and services in Real-Time.

VII. Possible field trials of the electronic technologies involved in TFE. This could be partly, or fully funded by governments, and/or by corporations, or possibly by some other source such as a NGO(s).

At some point, the concept of TFE would probably have to go before the US authorities, the European Parliament, the UK Parliament, and other democratic governments. Ideally, most countries especially in the developed world should work in consort to introduce something like TFE. However, certain developing countries which may have corrupt governments may only be helped indirectly, and would not necessarily be allowed to create full Advanced TFE. Hence, possible geo-political implications.

Anyway, a "good," but controversial idea is to try, and market TFE to certain corporations(and ofcourse, other smaller businesses) as a huge global "business opportunity" of colossal importance. Ideally, such massive businesses though should ideally have some serious, and genuine interest in sustainability. They could form a special alliance to put pressure on governments for revolutionary financial reform, possibly in Washington to carry out Primary Stage TFE at least (though QE has been, or is being undertaken indirectly financially supporting the economy via certain businesses rather than a direct QE for the people)

Advanced TFE (ie Electronic Transaction Monitoring, or ETM)would be more difficult, and controversial to "sell," and become law on a national, or more international scale. But it has a huge number of social, economic, and political benefits. It is this that should help to "easily" sell it not only to the rich, but more importantly to the masses who could find that their financial problems could be "progressively" eased.

Basic Glossary

What is presented here are the basic definition of key terms in TFE. New ones may be added in the future, but most of the terminology would ultimately come from mainstream economics.

  • Transfinancial = The latin word trans implies something above, or beyond. In this case, it can be interpreted as being beyond conventional finance, and indeed, economics itself (ie Transfinancial Economics). In another context, transfinancial can imply money being transferred across borders to other countries.

  • Facilitation Banks (FBs) = These would be quite unlike their mainstream "counterparts" in that they have a licence to create new non-repayable money directly, and indirectly into the economy. Moreover, their regulatory framework is far more tighter than an ordinary bank. Ideally, they could among other things closely track, and monitor electronically where newly created money goes, and can instantly override, and fine an account holder if it is deemed that certain funds have gone to a "wrong" account (ie. fraud prevention). The aim of FBs would be notably concerned with creating finance for environmental projects, and high social/ethical concerns. Ofcourse, it should be added that Central Banks could do the "same" work as FBs if necessary.

  • Primary (Stage) TFE = Here, very limited amounts of mainly new debt-free non-repayable money could be gradually created electronically into the economy directly, and indirectly. Repayable money, or loans could be created as well if necessary. Economic Indicators (ie.GDP, and Inflation Indices) could be used to decide whether more new money could be created, or not. If inflationary pressures grow the conventional methods of raising taxation, and interest on loans could be undertaken. This is intended to help reduce the money supply, and hence, inflation. Primary TFE can also be largely equated with concepts of QE for the People, so-called Helicopter Money, Overt Monetary Financing, Emergency Money (term used in Numismatics for governments notably creating their own money), Debt-Free Money (term usually used in Social Credit), and a Modern Debt Jubilee (suggested by Steve Keen, a noted economist)

  • Advanced (Stage) TFE = This is when most goods, and services would be tracked electronically, and have instantaneous checks undertaken at the point of transaction. This is done to find out their inflation status, and also to ideally discover the IDs of most goods, and services. The latter aspect is used to instantly create a profile, or electronic GDP of the economy in Real-Time. At the point of transaction electronic checks are undertaken by supercomputers (and/or quantum supercomputers as indicated at the very end of the first section of this presentation)when the relevant pricing data is sent to an inflation authority. It is then that the inflation status, and IDs of most goods, and services can be ascertained. The resulting data is transmitted to the cashier, and certain "unconventional" electronic controls may be used to adjust the Free Market Price.

  • Electronic Transaction Monitoring (ETM) = This is explained above. It is simply the monitoring of most goods, and services of products, and services.

  • Facilitation Finance = The circulation of mainly new Debt-Free non-repayble electronic money by special Smart Banks, or Facilitation Banks(FBs), and/or possibly by governments. This Facilitation Finance can be seen as the result of a money creation process known in economics as Quantitative Easing, or QE. Ofcourse, repayable money could be created electronically sans interest ideally.

Some Key References

The following is not exhaustive ofcourse. The literature on finance, monetary reform, economics,and sustainability, is vast with an array of well-known, and little-known authors.

Steve Keen, Debunking Economics - Revised and Expanded Edition: The Naked Emperor Dethroned? Zed Books, 2011

David Colander (Author), Paul Ormerod (Author), Dave Ramsden (Author), Paul Seabright (Author), John Sloman (Author), Edward Glaeser (Author), Andrew Haldane (Author), John Kay (Author), Andrew Lo (Author), Diane Coyle (Editor), What's the Use of Economics? Teaching the Dismal Science after the Crisis, published 2012.

L. Randall Wray, Modern Money Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012

Stephen Zarlenga,The Lost Science of Money: The Mythology of Money, The Story of Power, AMI, Dec 2002

J.W. Hughes,Major Douglas: The Policy of a Philosophy, Wedderspoon Associates,2002

Ellen Hodgson Brown and Reed Simpson, Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth About Our Money System and How We Can Break Free, 2012 edition (among many other interesting things, it includes some rare info on "experiments" used by early American Colonists to create "enough" new money to fund various projects)

Josh Ryan-Collins (Author), Tony Greenham (Author), Richard Werner (Author), Andrew Jackson (Author) Where Does Money Come From?: A Guide to the UK Monetary and Banking System, New Economics Foundation, 2012

Jeffrey D. Sachs,Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet,Penguin Books, 2009

Jeffrey D. Sachs, The Price of Civilization: Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity, Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2012

Joseph Stiglitz, Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy, W. W. Norton & Company, 2010

Noreena Hertz, IOU: The Debt Threat and Why We Must Defuse It, Fourth Estate, 2010

Mckenzie Funk, Windfall, The Booming Business of Climate Change, Penguin, 2014

Viktor Mayer-Schonberger, and Kenneth Cukier, Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think, John Murray, 2013

Jeremy Rifkin, The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014

Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate Simon & Schuster, 2014

Vasilis Kostakis, Michel Bauwens, Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy Palgrave Pivot, 2014

Some Links Of Possible Interest.

The following links may be of interest.

1) TFE is notably similiar to Social Credit. The following link may be of interest, and a French version also exists.

2) An introduction to MMT, or Modern Monetary Theory which is also similiar to TFE.

4) Trond Andresen connects electronic money to MMT in his working paper. He may have drawn some of his inspiration from TFE. A link here is also included on Steve Keen's Modern Debt Jubilee

5) The following link to a NGO is concerned with how money is created, and used.

6) The idea of businesses working in a possible future Real-Time monitored economy has been mooted at. Ofcourse, TFE ultimately goes beyond this to include a deeper, and far more accurate understanding of the actual workings of the economy itself. This is revolutionary, and turns economics on its head. Indeed, it could be argued that TFE is the most important breakthrough in the history of economics, and this may one day be recognized. Certain initiatives are being undertaken to a limited degree to track the Free Market Prices of goods in Real-Time. Some examples are as follows (Finnish academic organization concerned with the possibility of Real-Time economics)

7) Kenya, of all places have been using the mobile phone as the main means to transmit, and indeed, recieve funds electronically.

8) The links below lead to a blog developed by the author of this presentation on TFE

10) High Frequency Trading is an example of the power of advanced automated computer technology.

11) The idea of something like a cybernetic economy has been around for sometime. The following links may be of interest, and appear to offer "techno-economic" ideas within a genuine socialist, or communist type system. With TFE though we are discussing an economy that exists within the framework of a more "ethical" futuristic capitalist system which would ideally have genuine open democracy, and respect for universal human rights rather than some dystopia, or totalitarian system. This is always important to remember. Yet, if society decides it can evolve into a "higher," or more "advanced" social structure similiar to one envisaged by Technocracy. In this respect, TFE can be seen as a "credible" transitional system to a "better" world. Reference is also made to Paul Cockshott, and his Cybersocialism

12) Professor Richard Werner was the originator of the term Quantitative Easing, or QE. But it has been completely misinterpreted as the following link reveals

13) The problems facing the management, and possible success of Megaprojects, notably IT ones.

14) The use, and development of Big Data appears to be growing apace in the world. It has huge significance for TFE

15) The use of dynamic pricing, and algorithms is becoming a serious reality.

16) Serious problems may be faced with ageing bank computer systems. With TFE it may be possible to help in full, or in part the financing of new IT systems.

17) The Resource Based Economy may be of interest.

18) The Universal Debating Project

19) The idea of the Industrial Internet is similar to the concept of ETM in TFE.

20) The Internet of Things could have relevance to TFE.

21) Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the UK Labour Party has expressed some interest in a direct form of Quantitative Easing for the people, and possibly businesses as well. Richard Murphy who wrote the article on the last link above seems to have written a lot on QE as revealed in the link on the following link so to speak...

22) The following are links to searches concerning possibilities for the future. TFE could play a big part in their realization.
i) Undersea living
ii) Underground Agriculture
iii) Smart Eco Cities
iv) Smart Technologies
v) Smart Sustainable Resilence
vi) Robots
vii) Automation
viii) Smart Sustainable Transport
ix) Future Studies
x) Smart Agricuture
xi) Geoengineering
xii) Undersea Mining (for resources)
xiii) Supercomputers / Quantum Computers
xiv) Terraforming,ssl&ei=IrTyVcfRC4absgHSqrOgDQ#safe=strict&as_qdr=all&q=Terraforming
xv) Nanotechnology
xvi) Renewable Energy
xvii) Big Data/Economics (The huge importance, and relevance of Big Data in economics is slowly dawning in mainstream, and heterodox economic circles)
xviii) Inflation in Real-Time (There is now a growing "literature" on attempts to track inflation in Real-Time. This is a vital of Advanced Stage TFE)

PS. Robert Searle is the originator of this "work in progress" project. His email address is . Admitedly, my bio below is to some extent "unconventional," but it is hoped it will not detract from any interest in the above project.
