dimanche 28 juillet 2024

EUROPA LA DERNIERE BATAILLE (Partie 13/13) (Traduction Didi18)



Notes de visionnage

* Prise de position du boxeur Muhammad Ali contre un propagandiste anti-Blanc : "C'est triste de ne pas vouloir effacer sa race et perdre sa belle identité ?! Vous haïssez votre peuple si vous ne voulez pas rester ce que vous êtes."


* Citation surprenante de John F. Kennedy

* Aveu de Winston Churchill

"Le crime impardonnable de l'Allemagne avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale a été sa tentative de détacher  son économie du système de commerce mondial et de construire son propre système d'échange dont le monde de la finance ne pouvait plus profiter." - Winston Churchill

* Dédicace à toutes celles et ceux qui ont travaillé pour rétablir la vérité malgré les brimades subies

* Remarque de l'auteur en conclusion du documentaire : 
"Si l'antisémitisme est la haine de tous les juifs sur la base de leur race, alors, je ne suis pas anti-sémite. Si un juif fait quelque chose contre les intérêts de la population européenne, il devrait pouvoir être critiqué comme n'importe qui d'autre. Il ne devrait pas être attaqué parce qu'il est un juif, mais il ne devrait pas non plus être dispensé de critique parce qu'il est juif."

* Le livre aux éditions Didi18 (alias "Valérie Devon" ou Valérie Dewonck)

4 commentaires:

Je a dit…

Europa: The Last Battle is a 2017 English-language Swedish documentary film directed, written and produced by Tobias Bratt, a Swedish far-right activist associated with the Nordic Resistance Movement.

Je a dit…

Tobias Bratt

Tobias Bratt is an award-winning director who has worked on a variety of projects ranging from music videos, commercials, and feature films. He is known for his ability to bring a unique vision to each project and for his collaboration with top artists and production companies.

Born in Stockholm, Sweden, Tobias developed an interest in filmmaking early on. As a teenager, he began writing and directing short films and music videos. His work caught the attention of the Swedish film industry, and in 2010, he was nominated for an award at the Stockholm International Film Festival.

In 2012, Tobias was selected to direct a commercial for Volvo. The spot was a success and won awards at the Cannes Lions. Following this success, Tobias directed music videos for artists such as Rihanna, Taylor Swift, and Maroon 5. He also directed commercials for brands such as Adidas, Nike, and Coca-Cola.

In 2018, Tobias wrote and directed his first feature film, “The Great Escape.” The film was a hit and earned him the Best New Director award at the British Independent Film Awards. Since then, Tobias has worked on numerous projects, including a documentary about the life of Swedish singer Robyn.

Tobias is known for his unique visual style and his ability to bring a fresh perspective to each project. He is passionate about storytelling and creating unique visuals. He is also committed to working with established and emerging talent to create projects that are meaningful and entertaining.

Tobias is a highly sought-after director who brings a unique vision to each project. He has won numerous awards and continues to push the boundaries of filmmaking. His work has been praised by critics and audiences alike, and he is sure to continue to make an impact on the world of filmmaking.

Source : https://guidedoc.tv/people/tobias-bratt-91440/

Known for : "Europa: The Last Battle"

You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, World War I and II - all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same.

Source : https://guidedoc.tv/documentary/europa-the-last-battle-documentary-film/

Je a dit…

La traductrice et éditrice d' "Europa la dernière bataille" est Valérie Devon, interrogée ici : https://odysee.com/@didi18:e/Entretien-avec-Didi18-(Val%C3%A9rie-Devon)-15-d%C3%A9cembre-2021:1

Je a dit…

Dans la liste des dédicaces, le premier nom qui apparaît est celui de David Cole.

J'ai retrouvé une archive dans laquelle il s'entretient avec le directeur de l'ancien camp, devenu musée d'état, d'Auschwitz, Dr. Franciszek Piper.

Vidéo : https://archive.org/details/cole-remastered-hb-27-est